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Complement Token Flow

This flow is executed during the creation of tokens and token introspection.

Pre Userinfo creation

This trigger is called before userinfo are set in the token or response.

Parameters of Pre Userinfo creation

  • ctx
    The first parameter contains the following fields:
  • api
    The second parameter contains the following fields:
    • v1
      • userinfo
        This function is deprecated, please use
        • setClaim(string, Any)
          Sets any value if the key is not already present. If it's already present there is a message added to urn:zitadel:iam:action:${}:log
      • claims
        • setClaim(string, Any)
          Sets any value if the key is not already present. If it's already present there is a message added to urn:zitadel:iam:action:${}:log
      • user
        • setMetadata(string, Any)
          Key of the metadata and any value

Pre access token creation

This trigger is called before the claims are set in the access token and the token type is jwt.

Parameters of Pre access token creation

  • ctx
    The first parameter contains the following fields:
  • api
    The second parameter contains the following fields:
    • v1
      • claims
        • setClaim(string, Any)
          Sets any value if the key is not already present. If it's already present there is a message added to urn:zitadel:iam:action:${}:log
        • appendLogIntoClaims(string)
          Appends the entry into the claim urn:zitadel:action:{}:log the value of the claim is an Array of string
      • user
        • setMetadata(string, Any)
          Key of the metadata and any value