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This page describes the options you have when writing ZITADEL actions scripts.


ZITADEL interpretes the scripts as JavaScript. Make sure your scripts are ECMAScript 5.1(+) compliant. Go to the goja GitHub page for detailed reference about the underlying library features and limitations.

You can find great snippets and examples which show how you can use actions in this repository.

Actions are a key feature to extend the functionality of ZITADEL and continuously improve the feature and expand the use cases. Check out our roadmap for more details.


The action object describes the logic defined by the user. Actions can be linked to multiple triggers.

The name of the action must corelate with the javascript function in the code section. This function will be called by ZITADEL.

For reading and mutating state, the runtime executes the function that has the same name as the action. The function receives the JavaScript objects ctx and api.

The object ctx provides readable information as object properties and by callable functions. The object api provides mutable properties and state mutating functions.

The script of an action called doSomething should have a function called doSomething and look something like this:

function doSomething(ctx, api){
// read from ctx and manipulate with api


Flows are the links between an action and a specific point during a user interaction with ZITADEL. These specific point are called Trigger Types.

Trigger Types

Trigger types define the point during execution of request. Each trigger defines which readable information (ctx) and mutual properties (api) are passed into the called function as well as which libraries are available for the function. Each trigger type is described in the available flow types section

Available Flow Types

Currently ZITADEL provides the following flows:

Available Modules inside Javascript