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Get My User History

Returns a list of changes/events that have happened on the authenticated user. It's the history of the user. Make sure to send a limit.

Request Body required
  • query object

    Filter possibility for the changes/history of an Object.

  • sequence uint64

    sequence represents the order of events. It's always counting

  • limit int64

    Maximum amount of events returned. The default is set to 1000 in If no limit is set or the limit exceeds the maximum configured ZITADEL will throw an error. If no limit is present the default is taken.

  • asc boolean

    default is descending


A successful response.

  • result object[]
  • Array [
  • changeDate date-time

    the creation date of an event

  • eventType object
  • key string
  • localizedMessage string
  • sequence uint64
  • editorId string

    the id of the user who created the event

  • editorDisplayName string

    the display name of the editor

  • resourceOwnerId string

    the organization the event belongs to

  • editorPreferredLoginName string

    the preferred login name of the editor

  • editorAvatarUrl string

    avatar URL of the editor

  • ]