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Add Linked Identity Provider

Add/link a pre-configured identity provider to the login settings of the organization. This means that it will be shown to the users on the login page. They will be shown if the organization is identified (per scope or user).

Header Parameters
  • x-zitadel-orgid string

    The default is always the organization of the requesting user. If you like to get/set a result of another organization include the header. Make sure the user has permission to access the requested data.

Request Body required
  • idpId string
  • ownerType string



    the owner of the identity provider.

    • IDP_OWNER_TYPE_SYSTEM: system is managed by the ZITADEL administrators
    • IDP_OWNER_TYPE_ORG: org is managed by de organization administrators

A successful response.

  • details object
  • sequence uint64

    on read: the sequence of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

  • creationDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the first event of the object

    on create: the timestamp of the event(s) added by the manipulation

  • changeDate date-time

    on read: the timestamp of the last event reduced by the projection

    on manipulation: the

  • resourceOwner resource_owner is the organization an object belongs to