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Terraform Provider Basics

It covers how to:

  • manage ZITADEL resources through the ZITADEL Terraform provider


  • existing ZITADEL Instance, if not present follow this guide
  • existing user with enough authorization to manage the desired resources, if not present follow this guide
  • installed Terraform, if not present follow this guide

Manage ZITADEL resources through terraform

The full documentation and examples are available here.

To provide a small guide to where to start:

  1. Create a folder where all the terraform files reside.
  2. Configure the provider to use the right domain, port and token, with for example a main.tffile as shown in the example.
  3. Add a zitadel_org resource to the file, to create and manage a new organization in the instance, as shown in the example.
  4. Add any resources to the organization in the file, as example a human user.
  5. (Optional) Use Terraform in the directory with the command terraform plan, to see which resources would be created and how.
  6. Apply the changes and start managing your resources with terraform with terraform apply.
  7. (Optional) Delete your created resources with terraform destroy to clean-up.