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This Integration guide shows you the recommended way to integrate ZITADEL into your React Application. It demonstrates how to add a user login to your application and fetch some data from the user info endpoint.

At the end of the guide you should have an application able to login a user and read the user profile.

Setup Application and get Keys

Before we can start building our application we have to do a few configuration steps in ZITADEL Console. You will need to provide some information about your app. We recommend creating a new app to start from scratch. Navigate to your Project and add a new application at the top of the page. Select User Agent and continue. More about the different app types can you find here. We recommend that you use Authorization Code in combination with Proof Key for Code Exchange for all web applications.

Redirect URLs

A redirect URL is a URL in your application where ZITADEL redirects the user after they have authenticated. Set your url to the domain the app will be deployed to or use http://localhost:3000/ because this will be the default of npm.

You should set dev mode to true as this will enable unsecure http for the moment.

If you want to redirect the users back to a route on your application after they have logged out, add an optional redirect in the post redirectURI field.

Continue and Create the application.

Client ID

After successful app creation a popup will appear showing you your clientID. Copy your client ID as it will be needed in the next step.

React Setup

Create React app

Create a new React app with the following command

npx create-react-app my-app

Install oidc client

You need to install an oauth / oidc client to connect with ZITADEL. Run the following command:

npm install oidc-react

This library helps integrating ZITADEL Authentication in your React Application.

Create and configure Auth Module

With the installed oidc pakage you will need an AuthProvider which should contain the OIDC configuration.

The oidc configuration should contain openid, profile and email as scope and code as responseType. In the code below make sure to change the issuer to your instance url. You can find this in the ZITADEL Console on you application. Replace the clientId value 'YOUR-CLIENT-ID' with the generated client id of you application in ZITADEL Console.

import React from "react";
import { AuthProvider } from "oidc-react";
import "./App.css";
const oidcConfig = {
onSignIn: async (response: any) => {
"You logged in :" +
response.profile.given_name +
" " +
window.location.hash = "";
authority: "https:/[your-domain]-[random-string]", // replace with your instance
clientId: "YOUR-CLIENT-ID",
responseType: "code",
redirectUri: "http://localhost:3000/",
scope: "openid profile email",

function App() {
return (
<AuthProvider {...oidcConfig}>
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<p>Hello World</p>

export default App;

Run application

Start your react application with the following command

npm start

Your browser should automatically open the app site or just go to http://localhost:3000/. On opening the app in the browser you will be redirected to the login of your instance. After successfully authenticating your user, you will get back to you application. It should show a popup which says: You logged in {FirstName} {LastName}


You have successfully integrated ZITADEL in your React Application!

Whats next?

Now you can proceed implementing our APIs to include Authorization. You can find our API Docs here

For more information about creating a React application we refer to React and for more information about the used oauth/oidc library consider reading their docs at oidc-react.