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Connect with Ping Identity through SAML 2.0

This guide shows how to enable login with ZITADEL on Auth0.

It covers how to:

  • create and configure the application in your project
  • create and configure the connection in your Ping Identity tenant


  • existing ZITADEL Instance, if not present follow this guide
  • existing ZITADEL Organization, if not present follow this guide
  • existing ZITADEL project, if not present follow the first 3 steps here
  • existing Pingidentity environment here

We have to switch between ZITADEL and Ping Identity. If the headings begin with "ZITADEL" switch to the ZITADEL Console and if the headings start with "Ping" please switch to the PingIdentity GUI.

Ping: Create a new external identity provider

To add an additional external identity provider, you can follow the instructions here

  1. As described you have to create a new provider, with a unique identifier: Create IDP Profile

We recommend activating signing the auth request whenever possible: Configure PingOne Connection

  1. Manually enter the necessary information:

Everything you need to know about the attribute mapping you can find in Ping Identity's documentation

  1. With this you have defined to connection to ZITADEL as an external IDP, next is the policy to use ZITADEL as an IDP to connect to an application. The "How to" for that can be found here.

ZITADEL: Create the application

To add the connection to ZITADEL you have to build the metadata, which should minimalistic look like this, the necessary information can be found on the External IDPs page under "P1Connection" and "IDP Configuration" :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<md:EntityDescriptor xmlns:md="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata" entityID="${ENTITYID}">
protocolSupportEnumeration="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:protocol">
<md:AssertionConsumerService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="${ACSURL}"

Identity Providers P1 Connection Identity Providers IDP Configuration

In your existing project:

  1. Press the "+"-button to add an application Project
  2. Fill in a name for the application and chose the SAML type, then click "Continue". New Application
  3. Either fill in the URL where ZITADEL can read the metadata from, or upload the metadata XML directly, then click " Continue". Add Metadata to Application
  4. Check your application, if everything is correct, press "Create". Create Application

Everything on the side of ZITADEL is done if the application is correctly created.